Saturday, May 6, 2017

April 17 - May 3, 2017: How Does Time Move Too Slowly and Too Quickly All at Once?

Dear Maine,

What have I done? I have a mere two weeks left, and I have scheduled myself way too tightly. I have left myself scarcely a free moment between now and go time.  I've been busy packing, working on a few things, and spending as much time at the yoga studio as I possibly can between now and departure time.

But it's okay. I can sleep once I get back to you.

I mean, you already know what's going on up there, more than I do, but here's what's been happening. This thing is starting to look like a real house!

For starters, it has a real door now, rather than an opening with a sheet of plastic over it.

And Nate has been getting creative with the stairs. I really like the cedar post. 

We will have plenty of amphibious neighbors. Nate says they make quite a ruckus. Well, not the ones in this photo, but the ones who made the ones in the photo.

Nate's work hasn't been just on the house; he's been clearing paths as well. 

That's an awesome path. And I hope we can get more paths to look like that, because apparently ticks are a problem already. 

Nate's dad and brother went up for the weekend of April 28-30, and together they worked on the roof. It started with these vertical rafters (I was going to call them "purlins" but was corrected by google when I went to look up the spelling of "purlin"), which are there just to create space for any water that manages to get under the roof to flow out. They support the purlins, which are the horizontal supports. It's good that these basically make a ladder which makes going higher easier.

Here's the south side all ready for the metal roofing. I don't want to know what it took for Nate to do that all the way up there, because I love him, so I just assume that he was hanging from wings of angels...

Next step: metal roof. It's starting to look like a real house!

That's what they did on their first day up there; the second day became too windy to finish the other side of the roof, so they installed the French doors, which look awesome. Nate said it wasn't easy, so it was good that his dad was there, because his dad is an engineer and is really good at that sort of thing. Not that Nate isn't, but Greg kind of takes it to the next level...

On their last day, they were able to get the rest of the roof on. So now it is complete enough for two humans and two cats to live in it.

Two humans and two cats will be living in it shortly. Nate came back with his dad and brother on May 1. We picked up the U-Haul on May 2, and thanks to my excellent Tetris skills, it was pretty much (and expertly) packed with all the stuff from our storage in Nate's brother's barn within about six hours, which left a little time to get the rest of the things from the house boxed up and packed. There wasn't much left to do on May 3 besides make a run to the dump and another to the Salvation Army, do a little clean up around the house we are leaving behind, and then join Nate's family for a little send off dinner. And tomorrow we leave! See you soon!!

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